John Little

John Little

Summary / Resumen: 
John Little Profile Page // La página de perfil de John Little
Description / Descripción: 

In this interview, conducted during the workshop by one of the young participants, John Little is asked about his participation in this workshop and how he assesses the role played by the First delegates in the 70' and its impact today.

This interview has been transcribed and subtitled in its original language. To that end, you have to click on the 'CC' button at the bottom, right hand side of the video. You can also activate subtitles in another language, by going into the settings of the video, then clicking on the subtitles section, then choosing the option 'auto-translate' and finally the language of your choice.


John Little is Dakota from the Standing Rock Sioux in North and South Dakota. He is a scholar, historian, filmmaker and mentor. His presentations and research focus on Native student retention and success in higher education, decolonizing work in the university, cultural appropriation and Native American-themed mascots, Lakota and Dakota music, and Native American Vietnam veterans, looking at the fact that Native Americans serve in the military at a higher per-capita rate than any other ethnic group in the United States.

Dr. Little received his PhD in History from the University of Minnesota and is passionate about changing the way history is written about Native peoples. He is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Institute of American Indian Studies at the University of South Dakota. Previously, he was the Director of the Indian University of North America, a Native American college readiness program for high school graduates at the Crazy Horse Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

He is the co-director, alongside his brother Kenn, of the 2017 award-winning film, “More Than A Word.”


All the items documented at the 2015 South Dakota Workshop related to this profile are available at the bottom of this page.




En esta entrevista, realizada durante el taller por uno de los jóvenes participantes, se le pregunta a John Little sobre su participación en este taller y cómo evalúa el papel desempeñado por los primeros delegados indígenas en los años 70 y su impacto actual.

Esta entrevista fue transcrita y subtitulada en su idioma original. Con este fin, tienen que hacer clic en el botón 'CC' que se encuentra en la parte de abajo, derecha del video. También pueden activar los subtítulos en otro idioma, y tienen que hacer clic en las opciones del video, después seleccionar la parte de los subtítulos, más adelante escoger la opción de 'traducir automáticamente' y finalmente elegir el idioma de su elección.


Todos los documentos archivados del Taller en Dakota del Sur de 2015 relacionados con este perfil están disponibles al final de esta página.

Location / Lugar: 

Winner, South Dakota, USA Video and picture, The Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation, South Dakota, USA / Video y foto, Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation, Dakota del Sur, Estados Unidos

Original Date / Fecha: 
2015 July 12th
Publisher / Editor: 